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Friday, March 31, 2006

Jarikas (Jamie/Marika) House Party = Luke and The Egg Factory

Here’s a word from the wise, you know how occasionally you see healthy people in movies adding a raw egg into a blender as an ingredient in some murky green hangover cure? That egg, hypothetically speaking, may contribute to the overall healing properties of the drink and therefore make a person feel better than they would had they not had the drink.

However, and here comes my point (imagine I’m thrusting a finger skyward for emphasis), eating raw egg’s that are cracked open straight into your mouth while you stand there, mouth open like a chick being fed by it’s mother (yes, yes, we all see the ironic analogy) does not make you feel better, indeed from my experience it actually tends to put the old gag reflex to work.

And so, this is how last Friday night shenanigans played out. The thing is though, it kind of crept up on us without much warning (Jamie – I’m looking at you young man). See it all started out so calmly, guests were welcomed in, taking on a brief tour of Chez Toltz, during which time they were all a gasped by the trendyness, artistic flair and general this-is-so-much-cooler-than-my-place’ness of it all. At this stage conversation was predominantly focused on travel plans, how the week had been and similarly above the board topics.

A short time later conversation moved to ever slightly more juicy topics, a bit of gossip, intermittently paused by those most gracious of hosts Marika and Jamie handing everyone a drink. These drinks started as large and weak (eg a wine glass with wine in it), then got smaller and stronger (eg a shot of Jager) and ended with large and kick ass (eg: a glass of wine with an egg floating in it in one hand, a Jager bomb in the other).

And as autumn leads to summer, here we are back where I started. Georgie, with a history of geeing the guys up to do foolish and regrettable stunts, managed to get Recruit Corbin (not yet battle hardened to GJ’s duress) to eat the first egg. From there many a morning omelette was lost at the hands of us guys who had to prove we were mucho enough to also eat raw food (Hello, Sushi?). I had one (and later another), Jamie got in on it, I think Corbin had a second as well.

Some might say that Marika and Jamie are the Willy Wonka’s of trendy furniture, Jagermeister and poultry. For one night we glimpsed their world of limitless farm “fresh” (3 months ago) eggs, vintage typewriters, polaroid cameras and detailed maps of every corner of the planet, then it was over. Mind you, just before it was over some of us were treated to Eloise trying unsuccessfully to jump over a wooden pole high school gymnastics style, then blame her failure on high heels sinking into the grass, what a finale.

Outstanding house warming Mr & Mrs Wonka!


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