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Friday, April 07, 2006

Who needs a rage dump?

Check this guy out! Someone calling himself ‘smiles’ decided that the best way to spend 1am Friday was to offload some hate by writing a response to my birthday post:

smiles said...

Your are the biggest dick i have ever had the displeasure of stumbling across, i cant believe i live in the same city as you. fuck it, your so lame i almost want to end my own life. hell i would have to crazy as a loon and drunk on the blood of a heyena to create a website about my own(yours!) tedious existence. shit are you like the the river dance guy? do you wear tights and prance around your house screaming "i am lord of the nerd" while your mother mashes your peas for dinner because your to dim to chew on your own instinct. Instinct now theres a word that might go over your head, anybody with any self respect would have enough to know that creating a website about yourself that compleatly sucks despite all facetious undertones is compleatly sideways: heavy drug abuse does not execuse it, shit with head full of acid and a loaded syringe dripping from there arm most prople would still have the common sense to see this is ludicrous. You will have to go straight to the chair for this, im sorry if the reality of it seem vicious and overzealous but your just to fucking stupid to be allowed to walk amongst us luke. Good luck in death sucker and jonny jesus man, once you get to hell shut the fuck up about what a fucking knob you are, if they throw you out of hell ill fuck you up for coming back to haunt. Cazart
sincerly o

Haha, dude you need to relax. Perhaps you could elaborate on your life so that those of us drowning in tedium can learn from you and your exciting ways…

Even better, why don’t you tell us who you are? That would be putting your money where your bad-spelling is, although I’m guessing you’ll prefer to rage dump in comfortable anonymity where no one can criticise your action packed life of writing little diatribes on peoples blogs. Go on, it’ll be fun, dare ya =)

Anyway mate, feel free to write back with some more rage, it’ll give me something to laugh with my parents about next time I throw on my tights and go to their place for some mashed peas.

Oh, almost forgot, I AM LORD OF THE NERD!