Jamiroquai 3/12

Sneaky Sound System kicked off the warm up acts, it was a little weird seeing them up in such a large space with all attention on the stage. I suspect most of us would be more familiar with seeing them cramped up in the corner of Hugo's or Bourben. Anyway, although it's becoming cool to put shit on Sneaky I reckon their music rocks and it was fun seeing Double D leaping around unhindered (Although I still think 'Double D' is a lame name to go by).
The Avalanches followed up next which was a pleasant blast from the past. I hadn't even really thought about them for a years until I came across their CD cover (no CD of course) recently cleaning up at home, so it was well timed to see them again. They did quite a lot of covers (which rocked), followed by what I suspect is some of their original stuff. Unfortunately none of it really stood out, perhaps my senses were a little dulled from sitting in the sun drinking beers for a large portion of the day ;)
Finally the sun decided to clock off, the crowd cheered as the Avalanches departed stage left, the projection screens were hoisted and rodies clambered around the lighting. For some strange reason ACDC was chosen as the CD to keep the punters psyched while they were setting up, it must be one of those industry things that the rodey gets to choose the music during their portion of the show. As abrasive as you would think it would be, they actually fit into the mood really well (bizzare, I know).
Eventually the telltale signs began - smoke machines billowed, light machines kicked into action, an input souce alert popped up onto one of the projectors (Murphey's Law, that bastard)... the show was about to begin. Despite the surge of people rushing for prime positions we somehow managed to get ourselves to within about 30 metres of the stage (a phenominal effort considering the size of the crowd).
Once it started it was just too cool for words. There's just something about an outdoor concert, with two of your longest time mates (Roz and Lloyd, amongst a whole bunch of other people), music you love, pissed and generally stoked to be tehre - a pretty good way to spend a Saturday.
Jay bounced around their entire catalogue with tracks from all their albums; 'Emergency on Planet Earth' (Love that didg, I remember thinking they must be aussie at that stage) and 'Travelling Without Moving' to his latest album, 'Dynamite'.
There was an awesome connection between the the band and the audience, you don't often feel a crowd so clearly full of gratitude for the music their listing to, it must be so cool performing with that kind of vibe around.
Afterwards we made the move to Paddo Inn to catch up with a few people who go to the concert, more fun, drinks, making our own dancefloor, followed by a long and fairly sobering walk home with Roz.
All in all it was an absolutely bonzer (such an underutilised word these days) day! If you get a chance to see them live, take it!
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